Hey y'all. (notice my southern accent lol) Had an awesome few days of hiking and then hanging out here at the Fontana Village Resort before I head out for the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. I stayed in the Fontana Hilton, a shelter very near to the dam the night before last. It was a huge shelter and even had running water which means showers! I met up with two good buddies I've met on the trail, Tang and Muscadine right as I was coming into Fontana. I was glad to see them because Moe (Ryan), Cherry pie and Millie had to jump ahead to Hot Springs, because dogs aren't allowed in the smokies. I also ran into DQ who's been on pretty much the same hiking schedule as I've been so we will hit the smokies together. This will be the longest I've gone so far without going into town for resupply or anything of the sort. A week straight. I'm very much looking forward to it and hope the weather holds up and stays semi warm. Rain is not a hikers friend, unless its just drizzle I can deal with that. Anyone who would like to write me or send me packages ;) let me know I'll tell ya where I'll be next. Wish me and the crew luck! Much love much love.
P.s. I've been able to keep up with Game Of Thrones! I somehow end up in a town every Sunday haha. Praise the old gods and the new!
WHOOO HOO! I am sending you goodies so I want town names and info!! I am planning right now to send stuff to standing bear, figuring I know ya'll well enough that you won't miss that place. :) Miss you SamSquench, big love! You and the fam are gonna kill those smokies!!! GET IT!